Tuesday was a bright sunny day and I seized the chance to visit
Leeds Castle. An exhibition, entitled '
What The Butler Saw', opened at the castle at the beginning of May that features some of my illustration work and I thought it was high time I went to take a look. The exhibition is about
Lady Baillie (who purchased the castle in 1926 and used it as her weekend pile for outrageous parties during the 1930s) and her small army of staff. I had never visited the castle before and it's not in Leeds, as you might think, but about an hour outside London in Kent. Très convenient.
There's a bit of a walk from the entrance to the castle but it's pretty spectacular. I have clearly gotten used to living in London because all that open space was kind of a shock. There are geese, ducks, swans, peacocks, some crazy plants and water everywhere. Needless to say, I took some photos on my way...
Leeds Castle |
The castle door knocker // One of many peacocks milling about |
The castle from a distance // One of the more ornate ceilings inside |
Remains of the medieval barbican |
I did the illustrations with Art Direction from Andy Spencer, who designed the rest of the exhibition. You can see my portfolio page with my end of the project here. I had a ball listening to 1930s swing music and researching servants' dress for the pictures.