Friday, March 1, 2013

Hey Illustration!

Hello and Happy March! (It's waaay too late to say Happy New Year!)

I have started a new blog - Hey Illustration! It is dedicated to the subject of Illustration (clearly) and the issues that affect professional Illustrators. I have made my first post, which is a short introduction to the blog and a bit about myself. There are great things coming so if you are an Illustrator get involved!

Check out

Follow @HeyIllustration on Twitter

I'm quite excited to have made a Google+ community as well. If you aren't on G+ give it a try and join us! I hope the community will be a great way to engage with other Illustrators, help each other out and have some fun at the same time.

Don't fret! This blog will continue as usual with posts about my work, development and inspiration.

I'll be back to post something more substantial soon, I promise...

1 comment:

  1. Nice images in your .com portfolio! Keep up the good work.

