I decided not to blog my drawings every day; that would just be too much. Doing them everyday is enough work! I fell a day behind on Saturday because, well it was the weekend and I just didn't think about it. I have caught up now though, so I at day 7 I am still on schedule.
These are all over the place and so rough. Welcome to my head!
Day 3
Favourite Food
I have spent a good chunk of my life as a vegetarian. These days I mostly don't eat meat, but do still eat meat sometimes, if that makes sense. When I do eat animals I get free range / organic and appreciate it. I also try not to ignore where it came from (ie animals). It's easy to forget when it comes clean, sliced and wrapped in plastic that that ham used to be a pig.
Day 3
Favourite Place
What a thing to have to decide! let alone draw.
Day 3
Best Friend
Again, I'm not an eight year old girl (anymore) but in the spirit of things; here's Ross.
Day 3
Favourite Character
He's not literary, but on Sunday I was watching 30 Rock and squealing about how much I love Kenneth. This is grotesque and half melted.
Day 3
Favourite Quote
I'm learning to not deliberate about the prompt too much. I have other stuff to do with my days as well people!